standard vegetable cuts used in hotel


1.BEUNOISE CUT;  in brunoise cut we are cut vegetables into fine dices!

2.MACEDOINE CUT ; vegetable cut into 1/2 cm (1/4") dices.!

3.JARDINIERE CUT ;  in jardiniere cut, we cut into a baton shape!

4.JULIENNE CUT ;     vegetable cuts into very thin strips (1 1/2") long.!


5.WEDGES CUT ; lemon or tomato cut into four and six pieces that types of cut we called                                            wedges vegetable cut!

6.PAYSANNE CUT; in paysanne vegetable cut in small triangles , circles , and squares to                                                 uniform shape!

7.MARIPOIX CUT; vegetable mixed like onions , carrots , sleeks, celery cut into rough dices                                           used for sauces or poeles !

8 CHIFFONDE (SHREDDING CUT ).;chiffonade technique is usually used on leafy vegetables                                                                         and herbs . examples include spinach , cabbage , lettuce,                                                                      basil herbs !

9. SLICING CUT; Slicing is a technique in which you cut food into thin slices we called slicing cuts
                              this technique used on meats, fruit and vegetables like an onion !

10.CRUSHING CUT ;   This is a technique that is used to crush foods like garlic and ginger !




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